Sunday, May 11, 2014

Reflection for Quilt

Quilt Reflection
The reason for calling this project, a quilt, is because the quilt has a legacy of telling stories. From the time of the Underground Railroad, where slaves were able to escape and find a safe place to stay, to today where we can make a quilt from t-shirts that display some of our memorable moments. This project required you to think back, look forward, take a look yourself, as well as ask others for their input. I hope you have realized that through our projects this year, I have been able to learn a lot about each and every one of you (of which, I thank you for being so honest, and so open). Art is not only about creating, but also about putting your heart into it. I hope that you have been able to also reflect on yourself and see all the amazing qualities you have to offer to the people around you. 

1.       Each section contains multiple images as well as text, list the reason why you chose those images and text.

How I See Myself

How Others See Me

The Past

The Future

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